The LIBRARY forms a selection of texts to be read and discussed at the reading club. At the same time, it is an openly accessible "alternative canon" of design history and theory, one where multiple voices are speaking with each other. It is, unavoidably, a library with holes, with gaps, to fill, and contribute. If you would like to suggest a text, please contact us!

Texts will be added after each session.
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Is ornament political? How do orientalism, modernism and femininity relate to each other? Should design be clear and transparent? Or can it be maximalist, expressive? Who is “legibility” for anyway?
Adolf Loos - Ornament and Crime
Aleks Dawson - Re Ornament
Anne Anlin Cheng - Ornamentalism
Beatrice Warde - The Crystal Goblet
Susan Sontag - Notes on Camp
Javier Syquia, Perlas Ng Silanganan